Coming along!

The first in the "violence" series is coming along!  Maybe only 12 more hours to go!  I am going to save all the empty pen carcasses I end up with after this (maybe fashion them into little arrows to strengthen my studio's defenses).

A big thanks to my very handsome model!  ​


Never underestimate a ball point pen

Wow, so now that I am nearly out of a paperwork mire, I have taken fondly to working on paper! For those of you who know me, you know there is a twist, this time it is in the form of a jumbo sized pen and ink drawing! Yay!  Here is a pic of a work in progress from early on, let's just say I'll repost soon so you can see the layers on this thing.  It is about 4 feet and already slick with inky goodness. The pick shown is just from earlier today, and let's just say it has changed a lot already! This is the first hint of an upcoming series based on modern culture, violence and environment.  Enjoy!! And stay tuned!!


Setting up

Setting everything up for "Standard Deviations".  The day after this I have another opening a state over! When it rains it pours I guess.  I'm having a blast.


pedestals ​

I made two custom pedestals for the show I'm going to start installing tomorrow! If this art thing doesn't work out maybe I could make it as a carpenter... They fit together to form one large one!

Side note: I swear my studio isn't that dirty, it just looks that way because the pedestals are sooooo pristine! ;)


70 Prints!

Only 18 more to go before I reach my 70 print goal for the upcoming show on Feb. 21st! After that it's time to make sure all my mats fit right, oh no!  Pressure? What pressure?



Hey I'm on Twitter and Tumblr now! Who says old dogs can't learn new tricks! Links to both sites are on the index page. Check them out!


Please join us for two upcoming shows in the month of February! If you are out and about the Carolinas, you are in luck!  I will have a few paintings on display for Greenville Tech's painting invitational held at the Riverworks Gallery located in beautiful, scenic, downtown Greenville, SC, (with the reception on the 22nd? more information as I get it). 

The month of February also marks the date for the opening the much anticapated “Standard Deviations”, a gallery show consisting of multiple narratives derived from modified prints.  The original two-hundred and fifty engraved linoleum plates are displayed humbly in the center of the gallery and are surrounded by a false horizon composed of the roughly seventy narratives they were used to create.  Here, in this meditative space, everyday objects are rearranged to become elements for strange figures and landscapes, which ultimately raise the question as to how we really relate to the objects in our everyday world. WONDERFUL!  This show will be held in the museum at Western Carolina University, from Feb 21st-March 1st with an opening reception on Feb. 28th!  I'll be there, and I hope you will be too!



Chattering Triptychs

Whew, What a week!  I am up and working again!  Nothing feels better than ink on your hands and sawdust in  your hair.  I am currently working on a sculptural triptych that will go into my February show.  Since it's still in the early stages, I will leave you with this little beauty I am tentatively naming "Chatter".

ChatterWood, printed fabric, cloth, twine, mylar


Wood, printed fabric, cloth, twine, mylar


Working on my floor to ceiling printed works.  I am going to need 365 of these bad boys! I have 30 complete at the moment. Here is a sneak peek at what is going on behind the scenes
